Contact Dr. Sack
New patient telehealth appointments available.
To inquire about services or to make an appointment for care, please call Dr. Sack at (334) 590-8492.
If you prefer email, use the encrypted form below to ask a question about services provided or to schedule an appointment.
Disclaimer: Non encrypted email is not a secure form of communication; therefore, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. If you are in an emergency, please, be kind to yourself and go to the emergency room, call the Suicide and Crisis Line at 988, call 911, or call someone in your life for help and support. Use of this website and/or a person’s communication with Dr. Sack whom Dr. Sack does not identify as a current patient does not establish a provider-patient relationship.
Nancy L. Sack, Ph.D.
Mailing Address:
1001 Frederick Rd. #21128
Catonsville MD 21228
Practice Address
HIPAA compliant virtual website.
Certified Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology (APIT) - granted by the PSYPACT Commission, #20754