Licensed Clinical Psychologist


Contact Dr. Sack

New patient telehealth appointments available.

To inquire about services or to make an appointment for care, please call Dr. Sack at (334) 590-8492.

If you prefer email, use the encrypted form below to ask a question about services provided or to schedule an appointment.

Disclaimer:  Non encrypted email is not a secure form of communication; therefore, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.  Current patient requests for emergency or crisis services should be made directly by phone. 



Nancy L. Sack, Ph.D.

Mailing Address:
1001 Frederick Rd. #21128
Catonsville MD 21228

Practice Address
HIPAA compliant virtual website.

☎ Contact

Phone: (334) 590-8492


Office Hours

Monday - Thursday
8AM - 5PM

Friday - (limited)
8AM - 12PM